domingo, 26 de julio de 2009
Nice experience!
I had a nice experience serving others in Solca. I was happy and I made others happy. I was happy because I was helping all the time, instead stay in my home doing nothing and I made them happy because we made activities that made them have fun. And also, we gave to the children the hope of being cured and dreaming about the things they want to do someday.
Is true that have cancer is not easy, but we tried to make them forget about that disease and live smiling every single day. Of course those cases of children made us (gaby and me) see life from another point of view. I think we enjoy life more than before.
Puppets libreto
This is the “libretto” of the story of the puppet. Is cute!
Función de títeres: “Juan quiere conocer a los bomberos”
Anita: ¡Hola chicos!... ¿Cómo están?
Niños: Bien.
Anita: Bueno les voy a presentar a un amigo que es muy educado y se llama Juan.
Anita: Juan… ¿Dónde estás?
Juan: Hola Anita, aquí estoy (con voz desanimada).
Anita: Pero Juan ¿Qué te pasa? ¿Estás triste?
Juan: Si… un poco Anita.
Anita: Pero Juan… no estés triste… Mira que han venido unos amigos a vernos.
Juan: Ah… si… Hola niños (voz desanimada)
Anita: Juan No debes estar triste… Tienes que estar alegre como todos los que están aquí.
Anita: A ver… Cuéntame ¿Qué te pasa?
Juan: Es que mi hermano conoció a los bomberos y se subió al carro de bomberos y mi mami no me dejó porque soy muy pequeño.
Anita: Ay Juanito, pero no te preocupes… de seguro te subirás al teatrín en un par de años más.
Juan: Pero para que eso suceda falta mucho tiempo. (SE VA LLORANDO)
Anita: Uy no chicos. Pobre Juan. Está muy triste. Ese es el sueño de Juan…
Anita: ¿Saben que?... Vamos a ayudar a Juan a que cumpla su sueño de conocer a los bomberos y subirse al carro de bomberos.
Aparece un carro de bombero.
Anita: Wow… Chicos ¿Están viendo?... ¡Es un carro de bombero!
Hay que buscar al bombero.
Anita: Sr. Bombero?
Bombero: ¡Hola! ¿Quién eres?
Anita: Yo soy Anita y te quería pedir un gran favor.
Bombero: Pues ¿Cuál es el favor?
Anita: Es que yo tengo un amigo que se llama Juan y sueña con conocer a los bomberos y con subirse al carro de bomberos.
Bombero: Pues vamos a su casa para darle un gran sorpresa.
Anita ¡Si!
Se dirigen a la casa de Juan
Anita: Juan… ¡Ven acá con los niños!
Juan: No, no quiero salir estoy muy triste.
Anita: Por favor Juan… Ven tenemos una sorpresa.
Juan: No… No quiero.
Anita: Chicos… para que Juan salga tenemos que llamarlo fuertísimo. A la 1, 2 y 3.
Niños: ¡¡Juan!!
Juan: ¿Qué pasa? (y ve el carro de bomberos). ¡Wow!
Juan: Gracias Anita por ayudarme a cumplir mi sueño.
Andan en el carro de bomberos
Juan: Gracias Anita, gracias niños. ¡Los quiero!
Anita: ¡De nada!... ¡Si ven chicos que nosotros podemos cumplir nuestros sueños y ayudar a que otros cumplan los suyos!
Selling things
Today we fill cups with candy and we put it in a “canasta” with other stuffs. The Damas of Solca (volunteers) told us to sell all that things in Solca, because the earnings are use to help de patients that need it more.
We just stay with children few minutes, but we could read a story about a dreamer. The message of the story was so cute, it gave them the hope and the opportunity of dream and make your dreams come true.
Other rooms in Solca
Today we made gelatin for children who are placed in the hospital. We went to the rooms, which has 7 beds or cribs and each children was with father or mother.
The environment was silent and sad. Parents were watching us like we were weirds or something like that, while some children cried.
We talked with the parents and kids. We gave them materials to make cards and we help them if they asked to.
A girl gave me the card that she made. I feel so happy about it.
When we leave the room, we realized that parents were watching us with a big smile and children too.
I don’t have pictures of that day =(
viernes, 24 de julio de 2009
Today I saw different kids. Brenda explained us that each kid comes to Solca one time in the week or in the month (it depends of the treatment). So every week, we will know new mothers, fathers and kids.
I saw kids more sad, than the other days. They played slowly and alone. My friend and I started to talk with them (one by one). Asking names, age and if they want to play with the others. They all accepted. So, we made a circle and we play “al pon pin Colorado”.
They laugh and talked with the other kids and started to play other games together again and again by themselves.
Social work
Today we serve the breakfast for the kids. It was milk chocolate and cookies. When we give the breakfast, people in the room look at you smiling and saying “thank you so much”. They really appreciate little things that you do for them.
Brenda (the responsible of this area) presented us some mothers, so we started to talk with them about their sons.
I realized that the mothers and fathers who go to the chemotherapy come from Quevedo, Manabí, Santo Domingo and other provinces. And they don’t have enough money to stay in Guayaquil, so their just come for the chemotherapy and then, leave on buses.
They also, tell us how their sons are changing because of the chemotherapy. Is not just hair loss, is a lot of alterations, like change of humor, tiredness, depression, sadness, loneliness, fear, feeling of abandonment and they also can have learning problems.
Of course that these symptoms are present in some children, in others not too much. It depends of the kid. Every kid is a particular case.
Then, we danced a bit with kids. At first they didn’t want to, but slowly, they started to stand up and move. They had a lot of fun.
jueves, 23 de julio de 2009
I started my social work a month ago in Solca. I am in the area where the children’s are going to do chemotherapy. At first I observed the place, because is new. Is a room with small tables and chairs for kids, and have a lot of legos, puzzles, cars and others toys with which kids can play and have fun for a while.
That room is like the waiting room for kids. Because they come there, play, and then, they go to the room of chemotherapy.
I talked with the kids, I learned their names and I play with them. I saw that sometimes they play alone, so my friend and I decide to make them play in groups games like tingo tango in a circle, so they can all interact and make friends.
Most of the kids have between 4 and 10 years. They all have cancer and assist with their mothers (and with brothers and sisters) to the chemotherapy.
Was very nice go to Solca, because they need a lot of support, sometimes they don’t have hope, they don’t care anything, but if you help them with simple things like: talk, play, laugh. You can transmit that small things and change their way to see the life.
lunes, 13 de julio de 2009
unplug tv
At first I unplug my tv because the cable was damage. But that was the perfect excuse to stop watching it. I have a new cable but the tv still unplug. I realized that I watched too much tv and my mother always gets angry because I never want to go out because I didn’t want to lose any chapter of any tv show.
I learned that I was a big consumer for a long time. I stopped watching tv because I was very addicted, but I never thought that I was a net consumer.
And I also learned that we all must produce something, even just a little bit and in that way we are not going to waste our cognitive surplus in things without importance.
domingo, 12 de julio de 2009
Cognitive surplus

When I saw the video of Mr. Shirky talking about the cognitive surplus, I start thinking about when I was 15 or 16 years. I remember that I was the fan number one of tv. I used to watch all tv shows, that could exist. If I had seen this video before, I would thought twice about watching too much tv (I only talk about tv because I don’t read the newspaper or listen the radio). So I used a lot of my cognitive surplus, watching tv, like Americans. But nowadays I feel great because I never watch tv (actually, my tv is disconnect) :D although anyway I waste my time, sleeping A LOT, or doing things without importance.
I am a consumer that is becomes a producer. I have a blog that everybody can read and enrich with interesting ideas; I’m doing social action one day on the week and in that way I’m trying to do producing things on my free time. It’s not the big deal, but at least I’M DOING SOMETHING, as Shirky said.
lunes, 29 de junio de 2009
More about the TRUTH

Is true that is not necessary become a vegetarian, because there's a lot of small farms that sell they're products cheaper and better.
And when I say small farms, means that, those farms don’t have agglomeration of animals, so they don’t pollute the environment and they don’t kill them in a cruel way (like the male calf).
Those farms, exist in almost all the “Cantones” of Guayaquil, so is not hard to find them.
miércoles, 17 de junio de 2009
The truth
Weeks ago, we saw a video “Diet for a new america”, that is related with the text “Investigation of truth”.
Each person has a different lifestyle and depends of they’re customs and habits. That customs or habits have to be consistent. That means that you have to investigate the things before do something, even buy a product.
For example, if you are not agreeing with kill massive and in a cruel way animals of farms, you won’t eat them. So you’ll become a vegetarian. Decision that I think is so hard to choose when you are used to eat lot of meat. And I also think that is harder actually, because we live with a hedonist society, that acts just for pleasure and always try to avoid situations that aren’t pleasant. This society is not able to sacrifice themselves.
I’m part of that group. I love animals, but I also love to eat them (basically the cow) and I’m not able to stop eating them for the moment. But off course that I felt so bad when I saw how the farms treat the animals.
Our society has to be more consistent about they think and they do. And to accomplish that, they have to investigate the truth about all they’re beliefs.
sábado, 16 de mayo de 2009
The interesting part of the last class was that we talk about do our social service that of course is going to help a little group of Guayaquil, but is going to mean something for the people that will receive help. And I think, in that way we can pass to the other the idea of help each other for grow together. So, I learned that the only way that will make us mature as a whole, is helping the others, without complaining about the problems that exist. We have to be part of the solution and be the example for others to do the same thing.
I would like to learn how to help the others in a meaningful way, because those teachings can be communicated to more people and will create a vicious circle of support.
My question is:
How can I know that the role that I will develop in my social service its okay?
jueves, 7 de mayo de 2009
More about the interview in DETODAS
I did the interview just a one person (Nelly), because she was the only one that went to the cooperative in the morning, the last week.
What motive you to go to DETODAS?
My friend in the neighborhood said we can go to the cooperative and they lend us money to create a business.
I’m part of DETODAS since November. But right now I don’t have my own business; I’m selling Avon and Yanbal products.
You think that DETODAS brings benefits?
Yes, lots of them. For example, the free courses about hairdressing, jewelry making, crafts and more. That help you to create you’re business.
When you have you’re own business. What other people would be involved?
I think that Nobody. I would like to be independent. Searching and finding my clients by myself.
Who has been you’re support?
This cooperative and my desire to success
You recommend this cooperative?
Yes, absolutely, because is a support for mothers and woman’s, that needs to work and earn money to keep their children’s.
What are your expectations?
Keep going; think in my own business, save money and be the example for others.
I learned that everything is possible if you feel capable. There’s going to be supporters, like this cooperative or foundations that will help in someway.
miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2009
Cooperativa DETODAS
I went to cooperativa DETODAS with a friend. The cashier gave us some magazines about DETODAS and woman’s that have success in Ecuador. Then a woman came and we start to talk with her about her experiences with this cooperative.
Her name is Nelly and she is so proud of being part of this cooperativa, because she thinks that is very important give an opportunity and support to woman’s that wants to have their own business and livelihood.
Nelly has only 6 months in DETODAS and she found a lot of benefits like free courses of all kind (hairdressing, jewelry making, crafts and more) that make her think what would be her future business, because she doesn’t already have. Right now she is selling Yanbal and Avon products.
She also recommends this cooperative to all the woman’s that don’t have enough money to support their families, because they will have awesome results, and willingness to continue.
martes, 28 de abril de 2009
I hope you enjoy it!